The Law

‘The Law’ As we, as parents, all know, without direction babies/toddlers and children would grow up to be fairly feral without the moderating effect of humanization.  What are parents for?  Yes, we need to feed and clothe and keep them safe, but even in all herds/tribes of animals, there is a code of behaviour that

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Easy Breastfeeding

As mammals we are constructed to feed our young: Without thought. Automatically. Doesn’t take any effort. It just happens. Let baby dictate how and when.
 Baby-led breastfeeding is how all other mammals do it. We just have to let Nature have her way with us. This means – easy and natural birthing makes for easy

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Toxic Breast Milk?

Toxic Breast Milk? By Florence Williams, New York Times, January 9, 2004 Breast-Feeding Emmanuelle, First Month 2004, self-portrait   If human breast milk came stamped with an ingredients label, it might read something like this: 4 percent fat, vitamins A, C, E and K, lactose, essential minerals, growth hormones, proteins, enzymes and antibodies. In a

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Breech Birth

Heather’s new ebook “Breech Solutions” is available on the eShop. If you have been told that your baby has settled into a non-optimum birthing position, this book will contain important information to help you decide the best course of action. The information here is different from what you may have seen before, in that I am coming

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