
Risk of uterine rupture

If you are to have an elective C section, please ensure that you are double stitched up, not single stitched . . please read on .. AIMS Journal, Spring 2004, Vol 16 No 1 Risk of uterine rupture A single-layer, rather than a double-layer, closure of the incision after a caesarean may greatly increase the […]

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Group B Strep

(in birthing) Often women are told that they are carrying Group B Strep. Can they birth naturally without intervention and more importantly – are antibiotics even necessary? Why not look back to nature? Ask why is the overgrowth of the bacteria there – and change the environment so the bad bugs are naturally knocked off. 

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Do NOT Pull the Cord!

Yesterday I was speaking with a private hospital midwife who was relating a wonderful birthing story. She was with a mum who had an ecstatic water birth and who was in heaven. Mum had specified that a physiological third stage was exactly what she intended – and she was likely to have this with a

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Avoiding Induction

As easy as changing your focus. Why would you hurry nature? So far she has worked perfectly. Perhaps take  more Magnesium,  rest more and focus on what sort of mother you want to be. You will not be able to control anything about your baby after birth – as s/he is their own person. Why

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