
Toxic Baby

Filmmaker Penelope Jagessar Chaffer was curious about the chemicals she was exposed to while pregnant: Could they affect her unborn child? So she asked scientist Tyrone Hayes to brief her on one he studied closely: atrazine, a herbicide used on corn. (Hayes, an expert on amphibians, is a critic of atrazine, which displays a disturbing effect

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Gestational Diabetes? ‘Need’ for obstetric intervention – or common sense. .

Written 2012 A modern birth story. As I was the multi modality natural health detective, (especially relating to ‘high risk’ pregnancy since the late ’70’s), I saw a lot of distressed people . . .This woman’s friend suggested she see me. She and her husband were not happy with what they had to do to

Gestational Diabetes? ‘Need’ for obstetric intervention – or common sense. . Read More »