Endometriosis is easily remedied – through paying attention to why it started growing there – and reversing what has caused it. By burning/scraping it off – or through artificial chemical pursuits – all that happens is a waste of money and time as it grows back as the instructions in the body are still there.
Hence – unless you are ready to change/heal – please go elsewhere and spend your time and money with someone who is also doing what is NOT working in medically assisted reproductive services – trying to get you pregnant.
I work with you to undo WHY you are not pregnant – that is what I do.
This is often the result of your state of health being less than optimal. Please see Simple Natural Solutions for information on how to achieve and maintain better health.
At least at the end of it all you will be happy and healthy and any baby that is conceived will be healthy and come from a healthy mum to a happy bonded family.
If you want to quickly make the baby that has been alluding you – IVF is not the only or even the fastest way..
Health requires you to do something other than what you have currently.
Spending lots of money is optional.
Fertility treatment is far more likely to ‘work’ if the man is fertile.
Few are.
This is not looked at – as it also takes personal effort.
Desire to change – and changing habits = especially what is seen as normal – into what will grow stunningly healthy babies is required.
An example.
Michelle with apparently very bad endometriosis, such that she was quite crippled monthly. Daniel with 5% normal sperm, a history of very poor health and both stressed from years of not getting pregnant.
“My husband and I were told falling pregnant naturally was very slim for us. We were told we had about a 1% chance of it actually happening. I had spent years of trying a local acupuncturist to help me with my irregular and remarkably painful periods. I was stuck seeing him every week as without acupuncture I was much more of a mess, yet could not seem to get relief permanently. I also had severe IBS and was plagued with ill health. My husband had never slept well and was hooked on all sorts of bad things to keep himself together.
‘Being that I have always been alternative with my thinking towards health and don’t really use doctor’s too much I didn’t take too much notice of what was said.
We found Heather, as she had come highly recommended as she taught my husband’s step mother acupuncture years before, and made an appointment and travelled down from the Sunshine Coast for treatment.
‘We got really healthy. We both detoxed from alcohol, caffeine and any other nasties that were affecting our bodies with toxins, and started eating foods that were better suited to our bodies and that were preservative free. We increased our fluid intake drinking lots of water and learnt how to “smell the roses ” and stopped internalising our stress.
‘We read all the information Heather gave us and tried to adapt it to our lives. We thought we had 12 months of detoxifying and settled in to enjoy each other as a couple and stopped focusing on creating a baby but rather as being in love and intimate. When our brains stopped wiring us to think only about being pregnant but more about being “healthy” our attitudes changed.
‘I was blessed as my husband was very disciplined and wanted to do all of this with me rather than me forcing it on him. He was very positive and like me was convinced our time would come we just needed to be patient and healthy in body and mind.
‘I went into hospital and had an operation and once the abdomen was cleared up thought to start seriously seeing Heather to help rescue myself. We drank our herbs and took our vitamins for several months and them started seeing her for acupuncture sessions. To our amazement we were only 3 to 4 weeks into acupuncture when I realised I was pregnant. We had been living healthier lives for about 6 months previously, after reading Heather’s ‘Helping Mother Nature – a Fertility Guide’ book, but thought to get really serious in August 2009.
‘On Oct 2nd 2009, we took a pregnancy test and to our surprise I was pregnant. This was the most amazing day of our lives to date. The speed astonished us. We did start cleaning our acts up months before as a pre requisite. We had handed over all our faith in Heather and allowed her advice and information to settle into our minds and changed our approach to life. It seemed so simple in the end. My husband learnt to sleep (first time in his life without dope/alcohol and/or /medications) and I learnt not to store things up and once we were healthy, pregnancy just happened. Quickly.
‘I am now 38 weeks pregnant and have had the most fantastic pregnancy ever. I finished up work at the end of 36 weeks still feeling great. I do love my work so that made me want to stay. I have been incredibly healthy through the pregnancy which amazed all the doctor’s – especially the ones that gave us a 1% chance were most shocked! They all asked how we did it and I told them proudly we got healthy, did acupuncture, took Chinese Herbs and got Happy!
‘The pregnancy has made me feel alive and energetic. Because we were so healthy going into the pregnancy it has all been smooth sailing for us and has been a beautiful experience.
‘Thank you Heather for opening our eyes to a wonderful world. One full of love, acceptance and contentment. Being healthy has been an adjustment for us as being “busy” was carved into us. We now understand that what we put in our mouths, our surrounding environment and our respect for our bodies has a profound effect on us in more ways than we can understand.
‘Even the doctor’s agreed that the early pregnancy herbs and vitamins I took from Heather has been the reason my pregnancy is so healthy. It is not everyday they admit that. Every single thing Heather asked us to do we did with a whole heart and look where we are now.
‘Thank you Heather for giving us the gift of life and all the happiness along with it!”
“We accidentally became pregnant well before we meant to (now all fixed and too fertile obviously) and have just had our second trouble free pregnancy and amazing birth armed with what Heather teaches in What Dads Can Do . When I was not in labour, and overdue – with the midwives all thinking head down was enough – we did all Heather suggested (Easy birthing package) to get baby turned into the optimal position – and within 5 minutes I started the 5 hour labour, and here he is!!!”
– Michelle & Daniel, Sunshine Coast

Even should you NOT get pregnant – health happens.
So does life and sexual enjoyment – as you rediscover yourselves and how life can be far simpler.
What better start to a family than mum and dad making the space for the child and its needs for intimacy – not rushing about and then being squeezed into busy schedules?
Clean up the diary so there IS more time. Get serious about being perfect parents = before baby comes as there will be no time to change your habits once s/he does.