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Reality for some

There is more than ‘here’
There is more than ‘now’
Maybe see also more here?

Amanda: As my 3-year-old daughter Eva played nearby while I was ironing clothes in the basement, I heard her say, “I love you. I’m gonna miss you.”
Eva caught my attention after numerous repetitions. I finally asked, “Baby, who were you talking to?”
Eva replied, “My baby brother.”
I was 15 weeks pregnant with my third child. A few days later, I started cramping and spotting. I was hospitalized when it became apparent that I would be unable to sustain the pregnancy. Ten days after the incident in the basement, I delivered my son who, needless to say, did not live.
Hellena: When I was pregnant with twins, I made a casual comment to my 4-year-old daughter Diane, “I’ve never had two babies in my belly before!”
Diane corrected me and said, “Yes, you did Mom…. when me and my twin were there!”
I had never told Diane, but I lost a boy twin during my pregnancy with her.
Stacy: I started to hemorrhage early in the pregnancy. My miscarriage was rough. My son Catcher was 2½ years old. He did not seek answers. I found it bizarre because Catcher had been talking about the baby every day. He had even told me she was a girl. We called her Scarlet.
Mom came and helped out after the miscarriage. I stayed cooped up in my room. A week later, I drove mom to the airport. I started to tear up and lose it on the way home. Catcher was sitting in the back seat. He asked, “Mommy, are you crying because you miss the baby?”
I said, “Yes, Catcher, Mommy is really sad because she misses the baby.”
He said, “Well, the baby’s okay!”
I thought, “Well, I’m not!”
A few months later, Catcher took the TV remote control and playfully placed it on my stomach.
I asked, “What are you doing?”
“I am touching the baby.”
“Catcher, we talked about this before! Mommy does not have a baby in there anymore.”
“Yeah, you do, and it is a girl. It is a different baby!”
Two days later, a pregnancy test confirmed I was pregnant. Months later, we welcomed Colette into our family.
I have wondered if the loss of my second child Scarlet was a lesson to realize I cannot control everything, that I am strong, and that my plan to have three kids on earth is not necessary. Her loss gave me a much deeper sense of caring for my children in the “now.”
We have been conditioned to believe that we are merely physical beings, but there is a lot of mystery involved in why we are here and where we come from.
Unborn babies have awareness and memories beyond our previous expectations.
Children can teach us about that part of our life, which is independent of needing a brain and nervous system.
Find out more. Read Babies Are Cosmic, Signs of Their Secret Intelligence by Elizabeth and Neil Carman, PhD.
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• Children’s memories of birth, womb, conception, preconception, and past-life
• Experimental results and clinical observations of 100 researchers from birth psychology, developmental psychology, and medicine
445 endnotes, 270 bibliographical references, 12 illustrations
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