We are what we can process – not only what we eat

We all need a rainbow on our plate – that provides the minerals and vitamins needed for life
Our gut needs to be able to work well. That gets us into a very different conversation.
What you pop in your mouth is a tiny part of the equation towards health. Do not weaken your digestive capacity but putting out the fire.
Here, we are ‘looking under the hood’. Not what named conditions/symptoms – but what makes a well body tick.

Life support – our digestion – maybe see this first? What happens when we eat?
Before we speak of what we choose to put in our mouths – we need abundant hydration and the metabolic oomph (Yang Qi) to process what goes into the tube we call our gut/ailimentary canal – from mouth to anus and what goes on inside. This bringing us to micro nutrients – and iodine in a form we can use is the initial problem for those who struggle with living – see more here.
Most of what ‘goes wrong’/happens in life is easily fixed – go back to the owner’s manual. In 2001 I wrote ‘Living As Energy’ as patients sometimes needed a hand book – so they could work out what was needed – and the following year I brought out ‘Living in It’ – as a helpful step through guide to why we eat and what we choose and what happens next.
We do need abundant appropriate nutrients PLUS a strong gut (Yang Qi) – any cold added in/on – in the form of chilled fluids and foods eaten from the refrigerator – an all cold being applied whether ‘therapeutically’ or not – it is not healthful. See more here.
Wastes disposal – getting fluids moving (iodine is also needed for cellular fluid movement) enhanced. . .
Even if we have iodine (a tiny bit needed daily) available can we convert it into the thyroid hormones? This then becomes a process of decluttering and unravellng ourselves.
See more on detoxing here – why needed? We are now being actively contaminated – by the air we breathe (blocking the sun’s rays (!!) and the fallout literally from this on the water that falls from the sky onto the soil that grows our food – the sprays and various ‘helpers’ to allow food to be commercially viable. ‘

The role of COLD and how it impedes your ability to be happy in a body – starting with nausea, vomiting and getting into can’t function – H.E. – hyperemesis.
If you have issues with gut integrity – from prior to being pregnant, or a a result of – now is the time to FIX It – as the body can renovate itself in pregnancy – if the gut works. . in anything that ‘ails’ us there are multiple factors and attending to ALL of these will likely resolve anything.

Structure – if things are not where they are designed to be – they do not work well – no different to this.. .
SO – when your back/viscera – organs are not correctly in place – and organs do get caught up with adhesions and scars and life in general bad things happen to circulation – thus ‘as designed’ is now in a new version . . and you can’t expect all to work as it did or should.
Life Impacts (your past) – what made you – the programmes, experiences and now expectations – may need tweaking
We carry all behind us – and it gets in the way of flows flowing
Input – not only food – but all that come sin via your sensory organs and what rotates in your head – past thoughts, conversations and self talk – all getting in the way of BEING PRESENT.
What you can do with it – PRESENT TIME – context of your life also – cna your gut even work?
What to do to help RIGHT now . . .
1 – Very gentle body touching to help get peristalsis – gut movement – back on track. YOUR hands . . .on your belly.
Attention to going round and round
2 – Avoid all cold/chilled exposure – especially going into your mouth. THIS IS ALL PEOPLE _ not only in problem pregnancy WHY? See more here.
2 – Stuck Liver Qi Release, plus the diaphragmatic release and the inguinal gouging will assist almost all ‘belly ‘ woes. (see Foundational Moves)
maybe look to what is here? The Easy Pregnancy Resources will set you on a healing path.
Making a baby does not stop at birth – the nourishment to keep being babies bridge to the world. See how to win with nutrients here – ingredients on my easybreasts site .Then there is being sane and happy mum – again – what goes in your mouth is a major contributor -when your gut (fod factory) works as deigned . . see the human microbome 3 minute clip here
To hear about one case – and the results in another mother – who took ALL of the SIX drugs in pregnancy so she could continue working in her horror hyperemesis situation – who is asking – what about the baby? We all need to pay attention – listen to me speaking on the page on H.E. repair . . .
I was with a pregnant woman and her friend who had bought her in – I sometimes tape myself so I do not have to keep repeating myself . .
She was having this problem as well – so she COLD is no body’s friend . .