With this work a variety of health symptoms can be addressed and the progression of chronic disease pathology can be prevented. Gentle massage aimed at fostering optimum pelvic wellness incorporates non-invasive, external abdominal and low back manual techniques. This works to relieve congestion and blockages in the abdomen and improve the flow of Qi and the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems throughout the body. Internal abdominal organs are guided into their proper position, resulting in improved organ function for optimum health and well being.
My teacher, Dr. Rosita Arvigo lived and studied with traditional healers in Central America for over 30 years. She combined her knowledge of anatomy, physiology, naprapathy (study of muscles, ligaments and connective tissue) with these traditional healing methods to formulate the Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy
Pelvic pain from any source
Very often there has been significant attempts to fix any problem in the pelvis with surgical/ laser work after pharmaceutical attempts have failed. Often the reason for the pain and pelvic dysfunction has not been identified – it is in the soft tissues – maybe from many falls /accidents that may have occurred over a lifetime. Instead of continuing to do what may give temporary relief, there are other options – investing in learning how to help yourself through the self care programme offered as part of the array of Mayan massage and Arvigo® work is such a life changer.
Gynecological problems
Of any description – may be eased/fixed through the gentle, safe and effective techniques I can do for you and train you to do daily at home. That simple.
Mens’ health
All aspects of pelvic, reproductive, urinary, prostate, and low back/sacral and digestive issues are also easily remedied – often when nothing else has ever worked – as we are working with the flow of all raw ingredients through your pelvis and attending to all blockages that may have stopped up lymphatic flow – think of all the hits in the genital region/sporting injuries, treatment with ice over the decades, surgeries, fall and operations you may have had. Time for a clean up?
Fertility Massage
“Research shows that every aspect of our reproduction is adversely affected in some way by our sedentary and stressful 20th century lifestyle, diet, and living conditions.” (Naish, Francesca, and Janette Roberts. Healthy Parents, Better Babies. California: The Crossing Press,1999. Print.)
Attention to preconception wellness plays an important role in ensuring a couple’s optimal reproductive health and the health of their child. Fertility Massage therapy addresses preconception care and helps to create an optimum environment for conception.
Fertility Massage is a specialized and holistic application of pelvic massage therapy that is designed to help optimize a couple’s body wellness and enhance their opportunity for conception. Fertility massage therapy incorporates techniques for:
Increasing pelvic blood flow and circulation and cleansing the body’s cells of metabolic waste products that cause harmful side-effects when they are trapped in a body’s congested tissues.
Fertility awareness and preconception wellness education, including nutrition support.
Balancing and opening up the body’s conception energy both physically and spiritually.
This especially means all men with a less than perfect sperm score. If you have had to resort to ICSI – that means him – also if the count is less than 100 million per ml: if the good ones are less than 50% (a few short decades ago this would have been seen as infertile – not now – but where is baby? If you just want to make sure his body is making as optimal as possible sperm – and the digestive system is less than perfect – why not start in as a couple and revolutionising your health – as babies will then be the best they were to be – and you will be happier as a result – spending money on yourself that makes changes as you go that feel so wonderful . .
A Fertility Massage is beneficial for anyone who is currently trying to conceive or is in the preparatory stages leading up to the conception period. It is complementary to both medical fertility care (Assisted Reproductive Technology) and alternative therapies (better nutrition, general self care and allied work with acupuncture, herbs I also offer). It also may be all you need – instead of trying to force conception,when there is something holding you back.
If you are planning to conceive, I strongly recommend that you stop, take note of all that I have on the fertility app and bring yourself and partner in for the amazingly simple work that you can then continue at home.
If you are waiting to transfer embryos – this is the perfect session – along with the vaginal steaming to really prepare the ‘nest’ for baby. having difficulties conceiving Fertility Massage may be an option for you. Please ensure that you set this up several weeks prior to transfer as there is so much that you can do to prepare yourself – and many weeks out – preferably months – so we can attend to the gyne issues and improve the quality of the eggs that you are using – even perhaps so you do not need to go down the expensive artificial path – as you may well – as many others have – just have problems that no one has used the right methods on yet – and normalising your flows may be all that is needed for a perfect pregnancy and birth – once baby is nestling safe within you.
Call for your initial two – three hour session today.