Fetal Positioning Solutions

This eBook is the result of collaboration between two Kiwi (NZ) women. We have separately done the yards as mothers, birthing ourselves and our babies. We wish to share what we learned through living through our own maternity.
Pauline through her work in childbirth education, and Heather as she birthed babies, taught students, and designed and wrote acupuncture courses and then books, have trod where women have always walked – through their lives, practically, and in service to others.
Avoid induction.
Or, after the breech baby is now head down – what next – still in a compromised spot?
Make sure ‘easy’ happens – work for it. Start with the stress that you feel. Find out more information – get my natural problem solving Pregnancy App – in the meantime – get your partner unwind you a bit.
Or perhaps baby is still breech and you wonder why this book happens in the package? Often baby is stuck in your pelvis and seemingly not about to be born – and this need for intervention is so simple – explained how so you can have the birth of your dreams.
Full of pictures and diagrams, and photos to show you how your partner can magic a different result – all safely and simply at home. Leading to a better birth – see the package – Easy Birth Preparation is all about the work dad does to make sure you both know how to do the labour dance to make the baby, just as you started baby together.
Sample pages:
This ebook is available as part of the EasyBabies – Birthing package.
Right now – download the lot – and see what else you can do for yourself.
Find out what else you can do – simple, easy, safe and highly effective.
Buy the entire package for the easy birth/life you could so easily have ..