Easy Birth Preparation

A very special form of childbirth education – remove all tensions and upsets to become as clear a birthing mammal as possible – so baby just slips out. Maybe as an ecstatic birth – some women do – why not you? Your body can loosen with your lover’s/partner’s (baby’s dad’s) healing touch . . .
Both of you get to become more intimate through working with your luscious ripening body as it transitions into being a mum. Love your man!! Get him to prepare you both for a happy bonded family birth and life.
Designed to help you have the natural birth that is best for both mum and bub, and to give as happy a beginning to parenting as possible. Want a natural birth? Prepare yourself for birthing!!! Just as you would if planning to run in a marathon – preparation is the key – not just hopefully showing up and going for it
Make sure! From encouraging baby into the most optimal birthing position (the other books in the package – help move bub from non optimal birthing positions – OP, breech or transverse) to an easy exit with safe and effective practical physical preparation.
For all dads or birth partners to loosen and relax Mum’s pelvis; to undo her stresses and tensions, so birthing is easy, and parenting baby is a dream.
This eBook is available as part of the package: as you will always want to know more – and here are the answers to the questions that you are not even asking .. .
This is also very useful to undo past birth or life traumas – as the massage and moxa releases and relaxes both of you. Gain far more intimacy and lose all the aches and pains – be they back/neck or anywhere in your /body!
Sample Pages:
This ebook is available as part of the
Easy Babies – Birthing package.
Right now – download and see what else you can do for yourself.
Find out what else you can do – simple, easy, safe and highly effective.
Buy the entire package for the easy birth/life you could so easily have ..