Breech Solutions

This book will be valuable especially if you have been told that your baby has settled into a non-optimum birthing position.
The title of the book is Breech Solutions, but it also encompasses any position – transverse and OP (babies back of head facing your back – Occipital Posterior) or anything – the possibility of herpes outbreaks, going overdue and needing an induction: whatever you worry about – that may interrupt the possibilities of normal birthing as seen through the eyes of current obstetric medicine.
Thus if you started this book due to baby being breech, by looking at the two women’s’ stories at the end of the book, you may be able to see yourself in there and you may be able to understand why it is that doing everything ‘right’ has not, and may not, work – we sometimes need to break down what we see as ’normal’ and go for the goal, not the way it should look to get there, or even what is usually done about the journey.
Sample pages:
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Way more may be needed than just what you might see on the internet (but here is how it looks to do the moxa – must be a smoky not the carbonised stick to work well – and please read the book first as this is the last part and usually not even needed – if you sort out why bub is presenting the ways/he is..)
This ebook is part of Easy Babies – Birthing package:
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This eBook is available as part of the package: as you will always want to know more – and here are the answers to the questions that you are not even asking .. .
Right now – download the lot – and see what else you can do for yourself.