This lively, very informative presentation focuses on how you can change your life and chances for a perfect baby. Simple practical changes that ensure you are BOTH in optimal health, thus improving your chances of an optimally healthy family foundation.

She suggests that before embarking in the most wondrous part of your life – perhaps check you are making the best baby you can. Instead of hoping and praying, and then waiting till a scan when finally pregnant to see if baby is ‘good enough’ before sharing your great news – why not make sure?
Here Heather shares her decades of wisdom in how she has helped so many couples become families . . . easily through following what people always have done – living simpler and healthier. Covering the food and general lifestyle changes that will ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby, and explaining what makes easy periods and well loving, great sperm and eggs. Heather also covers the sexual changes you can make to enhance the likelihood of conception.
This DVD is especially geared towards MALE fertility, as very few men these days are producing stunning sperm samples. Instead of being hopeful – start baby with the knowledge that not only are there enough – but the swimmers are in amazing condition – improve your contribution to your baby – and at the same time become more vital and vigorous in the bedroom . . . A must for anyone thinking of IVF, as simple and inexpensive changes to your lifestyle can turn a possible into a probable – and maybe on the way, cleaning up your bodies’ act so the assisted reproduction route is no longer needed.
Topics Covered:
- Jing – what makes babies?
- Toxins and how they mess with your hormones and how to remove them.
- Male factors in making great sperm
- Diet and how to improve what you are making babies with
- Supplements that will help
- Revision – and men again
- Couple factors
- Sex
- Pelvic opening to assist the flow of nutrients to where it is needed – the pelvis.
- Female factors in enhancing easy fertility
Feedback from customers:
‘I had no idea that I made such an impact to the likelihood of there even being children’ . I can help her make a much better baby now!’ – Darren, Brisbane
“Getting There” was incredibly illuminating. I gained great insight about how to make the pregnancy journey easier before, during and after birth for all of us. Heather raised issues in the DVD that are never covered nor considered by other practitioners and in doing so provided a unique and far more holistic overview of the whole process’. —Simone
“Wow Heather! I now know why we miscarried, and even though it hurts, we can start again knowing what went wrong .. . I am grateful that we have the tools to start again in a stronger state’ . David, Melbourne
‘Almost four years ago we decided to start a family, thinking everything just falls into place, get engaged, then married, then pregnant, then babies, but then the plan didn’t go to plan.
The first month we fell pregnant, wow how excited we were, then we miscarried at five weeks, you don’t expect that to happen… so we tried all 2006 on our own every month getting more frustrating and depressing when it didn’t happen. 2007 still nothing, so time to see a fertility specialist – well I thought, but now after watching Easy Babies DVD I wished I watched that first.
We did rounds and rounds of IUIs – still nothing, so a laparoscopy was next to see why, was told I had Endo, cleaned it out so good to go, then end of 2007 decided on IVF first go the eggs didn’t make it, 2nd go fell pregnant but this one lasted seven weeks, had another lap and D&C at the same time, not long after that I was hospitalized with a pelvic infection from the transfer which they don’t tell you that can happen… so after spending over a week in hospital we decided to have a break which I did, then a few months later back into it again, not realized what I was doing to my body so many drugs and injections every month over and over again, and of course I just want a baby so I would do anything.
To cut a very long story short we did all up eight rounds of IVF, plus re-financing our home loan I had to say enough is enough, not knowing what to do next I just knew I needed to get healthy, I was told egg donation was the next step.
I thought I would try Heather, been told great things from a friend – at first I thought not sure if I’m fixable, but after watching the DVD I was amazed by it, I can’t believe how much is just MAKES SENSE!! I couldn’t believe there are so many toxins in our bodies and that I kept doing to myself I was doing, so I have now changed to focus on being well.
I wished I had watched this four years ago before putting all that effort into IVF which in the end we did not need as we had a natural conception, natural birth and gorgeous baby – after all those years of not being well enough to do it ourselves, following what Heather said to do – we did it! —Michelle P, Brisbane