What Dads Can Do
A ‘how to’ wellness guide offering practical easily incorporated tips, and massage and touching techniques that improve all aspects of life and living within a pregnant body, this book is a manual for Dads encouraging his action in all aspects of his woman’s health, pregnancy and birthing areas. For Dad-to-be, it is equivalent of a ’glove box’ manual for his wife/woman – not his car.

All by following step by step the stages found in this revolutionary new style of health care aimed at couples helping themselves. It is designed with the pregnant, or attempting to become pregnant couple, in mind.
Until now there has been very little information written for Dad, directed to Dad, explaining how he can actively assist his partner through this exciting time in their lives.
- Want to do more, know why, affect changes?
- Not happy to leave it all to chance?
- Perhaps you want more, or different answers from what you have been getting.
- Perhaps pregnancy is a breeze, or maybe the birth holds some misgivings.
- Want to know how you can positively and effectively alter what might happen?
Here is yourmanual explaining what is normal pregnancy and what to do to return her body to perfect functioning.
Learn how to make her pregnancy and her body easy to live in. How to make the birthing simple and your early parenting through easy breast feeding and sleeping well. All through following the step by step guide to easy babies.
Amalgamating common sense, practical wisdom and decades of clinical research across several different health care modalities, Heather has condensed her more than 30 years of experience in providing health care to pregnant women into these 268 pages, complete with the massage DVD, all cross referenced and comprehensively indexed, and a list of recommended reading and web addresses.
A message from Heather: I sincerely wish I had had this with me whilst I was growing my children. It would have made an extraordinary difference to my life as a new mother and for me in my body now. I wrote it so others did not have such trials I encountered in doing what should come so naturally – having babies.
What Dads Can Do comes with a DVD that features how to massage pregnant women (It is completely different from ‘Birthing – What Dads Can Do’ DVD).
See sample pages from What Dads Can Do
Background to book What Dads Can Do
Feedback from readers:
An amazingly thorough and awesome gift of knowledge and wisdom. —Kaliana Rose
I wish every woman could have a copy of this book. I have used it so many times now I don’t leave home without it, just in case I should come across a pregnant woman. It has helped me understand how to keep my body in balance emotionally and physically, and it validates my own intuitions time and time again.
All those conditions people will tell you are ‘common’ – I have known in my heart are actually symptoms of my body asking for help, asking me to change in some way, heal in some way. Finally now with ‘What Dads Can Do’ I have found a manual to show me HOW to change, HOW to heal, that my instincts are valid and my baby deserves the attention it is requesting through my body. Pregnancy is too valuable a time for a woman to be left in the hands of strangers.
My partner and I have successfully referred to this book and its detailed, step by step instructions for myself and friends many times – prenatal massage, constipation, digestive upsets, nausea and post-birth internal scarring. Last week I experienced a threatened miscarriage at 17 weeks, with guidance from Heather through this book – put into action with simple techniques, and a faith in my body’s ability to heal itself, I am now confident of my baby’s health and well-being. This book is detailed, accurate and practical and I cannot recommend it highly enough to parents, midwives, doctors and anyone in contact with pregnant women. —Kerri Anne
‘What Dads Can Do’ was a great resource for us, even though we were pretty busy before baby’s birth. Unfortunately I didn’t read it a lot until the last trimester as we found out she was breach presentation. In the end baby was determined to stay breech, and we had a beautiful water birth at home.
My husband found the book very good after Elsie was born. In the first few weeks after her birth he really focused his attention on making a beautiful environment for us as a family, and my time to bond with her and to rest my body. He also found the book really useful when I suffered a bout of mastitis in her third week. It helped both of us understand the importance of rest, rest and more rest!
Thanks for a great resource. The index in the back is particularly useful, as are the page references throughout. —Emma
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