Crone alert
You can only make that baby once
I am not prepared to assist people to make less than perfect babies.
The person you make is stuck with your life choices for all their life
Prepare yourself. . . I will be saying some apparently outrageous things here. This is the most responsible task you will ever undertake – making the best baby possible.
Making babies is not accidental or luck related. Hide behind HER apparent health/reproductive issues if you dare . . .
As with running a marathon – this is a job that if not done well – will follow you wherever you try to hide.
Regret, grief and life distress.
For well over four decades I have been involved in the daily fertility struggle of countless couples. Before, I.V.F. and during its ‘reign’ – and now when A.R..T. of any description is NOT good enough.
What you likely have been exposed to so far (even if you have been ‘seeing’ other natural health care professionals) – has been through the biomedical model. Not LIFE. NOT from a farming model.
To be here – that is YOU – as fertile men with women with challenges help HER over the baby line
How do I know?
In the late 70’s when I was the only woman acupuncturist/ naturopath in Brisbane city I saw the desperates.
This is before IVF came to town. East Asian medical model using acupuncture, moxibustion and massage/lymph moving techniques, Western herbal practices, and my own blend of natural problem solving meant that whatever ailed her was resolved – initially getting her cycles back to normal – babies followed. No need to bring the men in as they were all producing well over 80% sperm looking normal – unheard of now.
Women usually had blocked tubes, or some variation on normal and invariably were pregnant within a few months.
Especially as I saw them THREE times a week – I often asked – what is deemed ‘fertile’ for sperm’. There were no parameters as INFERTILE Sperm were not expected – everyone (except if blocked tubes (either prospective parent to be) were a feature.
At that time, ‘unexplained infertility’ was what most had -as medically they were not looking to return perfect
Women were expected to put up with whatever menstrual horrors and be quiet about it. It was all a bit mysterious. . .

Prior to laproscopies – yes – women did have endometriosis – but nothing like now – there were no diagnostics. I saw mainly women in dreadful states and life disruption. There was no pill/device – or even anti inflammatories back then. I ‘FIXED” her baby factory so at least it was not a monthly horror show. As men were as fertile as their grandfathers had been – women became instantly pregnant once their cycles were balanced. Blocked tubes? No problem – I had way and did rescue many couples so IVF even had it been around – would it have been needed I did not have to rescue the men.
We are not there now.
Almost any couple I see is at LEAST 50% him – if not more like 90% . . .
ATTENTION – if YOU are the ‘runt’ of the litter – wise up
Historically I noticed that so many men who were not dads accompanying women in to my office were smaller than their brothers .
Even were the smallest in their family. They also tended to be balding/hair thinning. Hair return is usually the FIRST indication that my process is working . . . At Ieast ideally he is under my care and direction for at least 6 months prior to getting into baby making.

Had they been in a fight.
They would NOT have won.
The fight for fatherhood.
You are not winning in your current state.
You can hide behind the medical excuse (she is ‘too old’, ‘too fat’, ‘got endo’ – whatever . .) – but there is so much YOU could be doing . . .
YOU REALLY ONLY WANT THE BEST!!! (See my work on Jing Markers). Not so fertile men also tended to have gut and ‘stress’/sleeping issues. And ANY medication is to be thrown out as that game is a retail experience that covers up body not working well.
Even though sperm is made constantly/instantly – it is now not wonderful as there is so much toxic overload/body burden ..
The abundance of anti sperm chemicals – (especially the estrogenic soup we are all now bathed in) – from prior to birth – means that the plummet of male fertility has been mentioned since Rachel Carson in Silent Spring in 1962 – Dr Theo Colburn in 1996 in ‘Our Stolen Future and from Deborah Cadbury in 1997 Altering Eden: The Feminization of Nature ‘ and here we are.
What you may have no idea of . . .The Feminization of Nature
THIS HAS HAPPENED ON MY WATCH – and well before the IVF people were in the slightest bit interested – I was rescuing dads who had to agree to using DONOR SPERM – when their contrbution was less than 15 % looking normal – oh to find any man coming in NOW with such a tragically low – but unusually for now – good percentage
Altering Eden: The Feminization of Nature (1997) explores further the themes introduced in Cadbury’s film Assault on the Male regarding the effects of “a variety of man-made oestrogens, in chemicals, plastics, pesticides and medicines” on the environment and, particularly, their potential harm to “wildlife and human sexuality and reproductive capacity.” In the book, Cadbury details interviews she conducted with scientists around the world and outlines the process of scientific investigation into how chemicals such as DDT, PCBs, alkyl phenols, bi-phenols, phthalates, and dioxins may be contributing to phenomenon such as increased breast cancer rates, decreased sperm counts, and abnormalities in male genital development whose full impact “has yet to be realized.” However, scientists in the book caution that more evidence is needed to confirm the exact causes and effects of the phenomenon being observed. In their estimation, it is too early in the process to make definitive statements as to the dangers exposure to these chemicals have and at what levels cause risk to humans and wildlife. WE ARE THERE NOW. (2023).

These warnings were NOT heeded – as so much $$ was plunged into ‘quick fixes’ – forgetting about the QUALITY issues that were also being breached.
What do I mean?
Not good enough babies- to be able, as our forebears, to be resilient enough for what is likely to be ahead.
Eggs are made whilst mum is being developed that the grandmothers making the mother.
Thus her grandchildren-to-be’s eggs so long ago – the sperm cells are in a woeful shape.
What have you instantly exposed a potential baby to?
See the Great Sperm Race doco from BBC.
The rates above are what was deemed to be ‘allowable’ to go through ICSI were set at had to be at least 4% looking normal in 1999.
NOW – men are told that they are OK at 97% looking ABNORMAL – what chance have the apparently OK 3% left got of making the quality baby you assume is coming your way?
The retail industry is NOT interested in your best baby possible. .
I am
1979 – onwards – any childless woman coming in – we did not need to see the men, as if they were as INFERTILE as the current generation = fixing her – made their children for them. One helps the other over ‘the baby line’. If both have troubles – we are unlikely to easily win. Especially if as now – only the women are targeted. HERE IS THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE – and of course I worked on both of them – intensively as I was only working in that clinic for two weeks . .. it worked anyway . I have always asked a dfferent question – why is nature NOT working? NOT trying to fix anything/not using ‘a protocol’ – but individualised body and soul care . . . repairing to perfect instead.
Here is a glaringly different case – at 15 – he has had an extreme testicular infection whilst on army reserve camp in the middle of nowhere and was stretched out with a scrotum the size of a football – that made a disaster of his baby making chances – irrespective of HER gyne issues (f course, she had some – who seems to escape them?
1986 – She came in with bad back – he had made the phone appointment. As an acupuncturist, I insert needles. She was not happy about the feeling – I said ‘wait till you are in labour’. Then the story arrived. From 16 years of age they had started trying to conceive – and at 24 still had not manages even one miscarriage!. Sperm .. .I saw them both three times a week whilst I was doing that locum – I was no longer working as the only fertility/pregnancy expert in Brisbane. ( I was pregnant with my third baby and at home writing post graduate acupuncture courses).
SIX weeks later – she was pregnant – and had another 2 years later. He got his tubes tied – two was enough!! – the man who was only sending out pus and bits of dead sperm – FIXED – natural ways work!!! – they are now happily grandparents .
1990 – he came to see me as IVF had failed – he was so grateful – as they had to use donor sperm as he only had 5% looking normal – IMAGINE – that is called fertile++ now!! He also paid attention – and did all that was asked of him – and after his sample showed vast improvement – he went off to make his own babies as expected.
1997 – He came in as he was not happy about IVF saying he was NOT good enough. BUTusing donor sperm (his sample was only 15% looking normal). She of course had bad endo. The $$ spent was not making babies – even though donor sperm was used . .He wanted HIS own .
We worked on that. They had two by IVF – as they went to a different bunch adn no one blinked at using his contribution – the were markedly better. once he was in a better shape. Took a while – but he was so grateful and did everything asked – diligently.
Time moved on
Thus, to have read this far, I assume you also are after more than a baby – any baby .
I also say this as I have a massively brain injured adult daughter. I have been exposed to a lot of reproductive horrors as a result – as whilst I was fixing her about to die state – I was discovered by so many other similarly traumatized parents and thus was in the 80’s a mecca for people with hopeless. .
And here you are wanting to do the quickest route.
NO – If YOU are not committed to the best baby possible – what I suggest will upset you
I could write a book solely on the wonky sperm women are using to so very hopefully make their precious children.
2002 – One couple who IVF had not worked for (his sperm – as usual was a mess) came to see me only after she was out of hospital having been overstimulated – not where you want to go – I had one woman who DIED of this.. .and others are in ‘rest homes’ forever as the overstim process injured more than their health – their brains were occasionally destroyed. No one tells you of these. . Complications are ‘rare’ does not help you if it is your precious partner dead or taken out. Medicine CAN hide its mistakes – the Boy’s Club ensures this.
2006 – A couple came in to see if I could assist the endometriosis that was supposedly stopping their children – I always asked to see the couple – and he came i to ‘support her. I asked what his sperm were like – “Not very good, I think” – no- 1% looking normal – 100mi/ml so I guess the boffins were crunching numbers.. . The report said ‘dreadful morphology – bizarrely abnormal head formations’ – that is the payload – no babies would have happened. .
2010 – Seeing nine women – all were wanting baby #2.
I was/am very good at this and thought that they all should have conceived. Where are the men?
I asked for sperm results – all men were not happy – as they all said ‘it is not me – I have a baby’. I would say to her – “so do you” – when each woman told me this. Eventually ALL men complied. One was so bad, his doctor asked if he as sure that number #1 was even his.
2011 – Finding myself a new clinic in my home town – Christchurch- and working part time there – me being the ‘new kid on the block’ I saw mainly women who had been attending the previously expert ‘baby maker’ who was only seeing them weekly – often for MONTHS – never him – as the medicos said his sperm – ALL OF THEN were ‘normal’. They were ‘normally’ infertile – as all men who show up now are when you use farming parameters – not those that are lucrative business options. They we e- hopeless. .and thus – I only saw the men – and they all got naturally pregnancy – including two who were failed attempts with donor eggs -all simple- she needed to increase the fat/protein and general nutrient dens ity of his meals and when he was better (I have tricks) -womb positioning – too obvious – a backwards facing womb is NOT likely to get sperm visiting unless what people always knew and dd prior to IVF coming to town!
2014 – I discovered that I was seeing 20 couples – in three different locations – Brisbane, Melbourne and Greymouth NZ.
The best reading was 9% looking normal (91% NO GOOD) – and their baby easily conceived with my help DIED. In utero . .
3 couples had NO normal looking sperm – and the IVF people were still taking their money – no one is told how easy it is to increase the quality – it is not medical – but life changing. As having a baby is. .
2018 – A 40 year old came in to get over IVF NOT working – she was told it was due to her age – BUT I asked to see the sperm analysis and they were charging her fully to put 8% looking normal semen inside her. . (thus 92% NOT normal looking – and that is assuming what it looks like is good enough . . .. NOT OK . .
2019 – A couple – both 24 years old – no pregnancies after 3 years of marriage
She did have a PCOS problem – easily fixed – quickly – best cycles ever. HE was the real baby holdup – and once his gut.headaches. health were better – so were the sperm. After 4 1/2 months she naturally conceived. Their first born was a gift.
I care.
You would to – if you knew
Hurrying nature has many side effects.
Cancers and no babies are only some that can, and still will happen. .
So much more of this since the jab . . .
‘Late’ miscarriages and born sleeping (‘rainbow’) babies.

Stillbirth – as with miscarriages – baby not made properly.
Why assume it is ‘her’ fault? MEN are NOT absolved.
No farmer would be that stupid.
Back to the sperm – if someone took men aside and straightened out the King Henry XIII th overlay modern medicine has hidden behind – women would be less damaged – on all levels. I have had to support women whilst thus terminate babies not good enough
This is all pre 2020 – now we have gone a step way too far
If you have partaken of the experimental gene modification trial and are here –
Unless you had the placebo – and even then – how can you be sure that you are in any state to be a dad now?
The stated goal was not to ave humans procreate. . and in plain sight you can see what was intended.
The women who are receptacles of the contents of a body under siege are also taken out – and though the semen reading MAY show live sperm – what else is in that package?
If you are still here – welcome again . .
I am about the best baby possible
We need to go back to – and following nature.
When women in the past have come to me as their husband’s sperm is not good enough they are always told ‘he is fine’.
(NOT FERTILE – as they would be not seeing me)
Look at the stats again
Not sure how we will go with the entire herds in Australia being jabbed with rna technology – but humans are not traveling well – outrageous rates of miscarriages and stillbirths as well as damaged babies being made – and placentas that will in time be killing mums as they are not as placentas used to be – and this has death consequences. .
Back to YOUR fertility . .
If a bull has more than 9% looking abnormal sperm – it is at least off with his balls – if not his head.
WHO in Oct 2021 decreed that 96% looking abnormal sperm were fertile for men .
This actually means that they could ‘use’ them in the jab a good looking sperm in an egg for profit . .

Is this what you want – or do you want to lift your game?
Initially when IVF happened – if sample was less than 50% looking normal – he was considered infertile
I have only seen two men with this results in the past 30 years – that means that HE was good enough and she was not able to help him limp over the baby line – though one man was 46% and worried that that was not OK – I suggested he get a test as the pill was interfering with HER sanity and I wondered if they could play the Russian Roulette that most couples are thinking ‘natural ‘ contraception was good enough . .
in their case – any non barrier/chemical pathway would have see them parents . .
This is not medically explained as the GP’s etc see the WHO stats and go from there – lying is.
Men MUST be as fertile a possible – ideally ALL sperm made perfectly.
If they are not – what is their aim?
So many are now completely useless. You need to pay attention
Anything that the medicos say ‘is normal’ and not biologically survivable in a rough state of Apocalypse survival of the fittest – in Nature, would not be making babies – as all species get the men to fight over mating rights and the winners are the strongest, brightest and sturdiest – thus their offspring are more likely to make it. That is how sex is – for the species to keep going – and the BEST ONE!!!
This is NOT medical as health is NOT their scope of practice.
His health not good enough id he has less than 50% looking normal sperm and at least 200 million/per ml.
The average elephant has ONE BILLION
WHO says 3% looking normal and 15 million/ml is good enough.
NOT GOOD ENOUGH as you can only make that baby once.
Your brief pleasure is all you do.
The rest is up to Nature to try to use what you have gifted,
This is regardless of any issues SHE has been told she has. Would you not want to help out – not wimp out?
So many women I have supported through miscarriages and worse.
Does not happen for NO reason. SPERM was NOT good enough to make a great baby. . And of course she blames herself.. .
YOU can always be MORE fertile – to make sure. For your children and make sure you make them as well as is humanly possible. Laziness is you waiting to pay $$ and all that is DONE TO HER to do what nature would – IF YOU WERE WELL ENOUGH!

This is independent of what she is told – as there is a bottomless pit to throw money at if YOU (prospective dad) are not attended to FIRST
Almost there sperm are dangerous – and cause the Down’s and other chromosomal issues that are usually blamed on the mums and her age. What about your toxic sperm? Molar pregnancies – almost 95& % of them are sperm issues.
Why not INSURE that you the dad are not stuffing up her body and life?
Or at least at the same time
BUT there is no medical answers – unless . .
1 – Varicocele – thus a structural reason for hot balls. Of course the urologist will tell you – no problem.
BUT at least 1/3 of men in IVF programmes have this.
I think it would be a lot more now as the jab has desecrated connective tissue and bodily integrity.
2 – Poor health follows low metabolism – . . .This shows up in almost all men who are coming to see me – and often horrendously so – but no one cares as the medical conditions that they have are seem to be ‘normal’. Not to a naturopathically minded health detective. Nee to take RECTAL first thing in the morning temperature – should be 36.7./8C – you will not see this written anywhere – I have done the research in clinic. I went to international acupuncture seminars presenting on this.
It is easy to predict the success or failure of an IVF attempt simply on HIS rectal temperature . .
Sperm no good – regardless of how challenges she is – her body will reject his rejects.
When BOTH parents are in peak condition.
– then we start having unrestricted reproductive sex and even (whilst) she is supposedly NOT fertile – conception happens.
That is what happened to all of us prior to 1970
My own case includes a day 6 conception – whilst still bleeding on a 6 week cycle – and also on day 25 of a then rigid 28 day cycle – after ovulating in the middle of the month as written about – and the only sexual contact that month – SO women are also likely to conceive with fertile men. DISCLAIMER – my fault.
None of my partners smoked, drank coca cola or coffee or alcohol and all were fed well as that was my thing – no drugs, ordered lives.
As most of us did in the 80’s . . So here we have the beginnings of the template – live simply.
What to do?
Ponder – were this a car or even a phone you were to purchase. Or a house to build.. .
Would you not go for the one with the most features? Suited your image?
Same for a baby – it is in YOUR grasp – do more – you get more.
What to do?
Many options

1 – Keep hoping and doing a bit here and there.
(Maybe this time – the next modality/ egg retrieval will ‘work’
2 – STOP trying and fix why nature is saying NO?
Go for Health – both of you and find a natural health detective
3 – Maybe reach out to me as I have been on this mission all my career.
I have watched ‘fashions’ in ‘medicine come and go
I am aware all seem to bedazzle you with ‘research’
Forgetting that – sex make babies
If it is not – you are in for trouble. .
And that makes more $$$ . . Servicing is NOT what a farmer has happen – they kick out the non breeders – which presently at least one of you is. .
Usual story
She has endo/PCOS/fibroids etc – and all is directed to her body not working optimally . .
But yours’ has been undergoing similar changes that nature did not envisage too
Shall we get BOTH of you baby ready? Cheaper in the long run . .
2021 – This wee chap – parents were unlikely to make him with artificial means. SHE had stunning endo – and other health challenges. His sample said the usual 5% looking normal – with large gut and life challenges – hence the poor semen quality . . (And his hair even grew back – a ‘cure’ for baldbness – get a good natural health coach on the job – I use all I have been exposed to across so many different modalities – and my 45 years of life experience in this field). They both needed severe life overhaul. We made him – me not having touched either of them. Online and with one of my students working the magic Heather’s Gentling Ways. .
Very possible someone may be in your area – or – if you come to me – all the better.
2023 – the Male Practical Healing package – is how YOU can start this. Touch. It has within the prostate drainage/clearance.
You also can purchase the Love Your Man Better one extra – and at the same time, I would suggest you take advantage of The Healing Power of Touch.
These will get you both on the path to greater intimacy, and lose all blockages that so far have stayed – regardless of how much time regardless of how money have been spent visiting structural and other healers – as healing begins with movement and touch – and you can so lovingly – at home. You will be surprised . .
How much grief/distress can you endure over your lives, without enhancing sperm quality
At least rule HIM out of the ‘infertile’ equation
How much will it cost you to stay childless?
Ask me how to help yourself help nature make your family easily
Happy families with easy babies and parents is about so much more than planting a seed – any seed – and anywhere . .