• Easy periods,
  • Easy fertility,
  • Easy pregnancy,
  • Easy birthing,
  • Easy mothering:

mean Easy Babies

Whatever you need help with
– Nature probably has the answer
Maybe I can help you find yours

Whether it is making or birthing or rearing babies
– ideally there are two parents in a supportive environment.

Please be aware NONE of this is medical
– it is based on life
And my + 40 years of dispensing sensible natural health solutions

Life reproduces itself – naturally
No ‘trying ‘ needed.
Want to be the parent of an easy baby?
Especially as a happily bonded unit?

Maybe check out what my  decades of mother centred work has created – over

  • many modalities
  • many cultures
  • many lineages, and
  • my own personal maternal adventures

Maybe – you need to go from tragedy to triumph?

Help nature help you.

From here:                                                                                              to here

Let us find out why having an easy pregnancy is not happening – and FIX it!

Non viable sperm? ‘Need’ for donor sperm/eggs NO pregnancies

Low AMH?      High FSH?      Age ‘issues’?         High risk pregnancy worries?

Or you are scared of getting pregnant again to end up so ill so much in pain, so stressed as to what next?
Let us fix you first  so all flows as it is designed to – easily.

Still to even get a positive test result?
Constant miscarriages?
Maybe – too scared to get pregnant again?

Pregnant and ill/distressed/fearful?
I have always been here primarily here for the as yet unborn /unconceived one who has called you to me.
As a ‘high risk’ pregnancy detective/solver, I can assist you to make your life and your baby’s easier.

You can help yourselves  . . .Bodies heal – your lives CAN turn around.

Online consultations available:

Contact me perhaps – mail on heather@heatherbruce.com.au 

Do reach out . .

 Get your Easy Pregnancy Resources here