Miscarriage First Aid

If you have arrived here as you think you may be miscarrying – please read on. This eBook will have a lot of help for you – regardless of where in the pregnancy you find yourself – even in later loses. Worrying and getting a blood test is not going to help – you can do something.

I have included a few pages of my practical parenting manual What Dads Can Do. The page references all through the articles relate to where you can get more information on this in the book.

I wrote it for those who want to become proactive – especially in the absence of results using orthodox information and means.

Please also contact me as I have had very few pregnancies fail – when the SPERM was great to start with.

Preparation is the key – not worriedly going back for more blood tests – actually do something to save the pregnancy – and if it fails – STOP and both do serious preconception work – as the DNA fragmentation that modern lives are leading to the poor quality sperm – motility and abnormal forms – is most of the problem.